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Suicide First Aid

Suicide First Aid UK has approved Jo Furse to deliver Suicide First Aid courses.

Suicide First Aid Lite

(Adult or Youth course)

This gives you a greater understanding of people who may be at risk of suicide and a greater confidence to intervene.  Delivered over 3.5-4 hours,  it teaches basic intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting.  Skills to help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe and stay alive.

Course includes:

  • Skills needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide

  • Stigma and the hidden toll of suicide

  • Suicide thoughts and behaviour

  • The intention of behaviour vs outcome of behaviour

  • Possible causes of suicide thoughts

  • The ripple effect of suicide

  • 'I'm really glad you told me' film

  • Meeting the needs of someone thinking of suicide

  • Suicide Safety Guide

  • Recognising and asking about suicide

  • Signposting and support

Suicide First Aid:  Understanding Suicide Interventions

(Adult or Youth course)

You will learn and practice the skills needed to identify someone who may be thinking of suicide and intervene to help create suicide-safety as a first-aid approach.  This is a whole day course of four parts.  It is a highly interactive and emotionally engaging learning experience.  

Upon satisfactory completion of a knowledge-based written assessment, there is the option to attain 6 NQF credits at level 4, which is:  The UK’s National Accredited Unit of Learning in Suicide Prevention.

Course includes:

  • Part 1 

    • Introduction to: the day; programme; ourselves and suicide prevention

    • Stigma, survivors of bereavement by suicide and the Hidden Toll

    • Suicide thoughts and suicide behaviour

    • The intention of behaviour versus outcome of behaviour

    • Possible causes of suicide thoughts

  • Part 2 

    • Suicide – the Ripple Effect

    • A population-based approach to suicide prevention

    • Partnership working

    • Working with attitudes and values

    • “I’m Really Glad You Told Me” film

  • Part 3 

    • Meeting the needs of a person who is thinking about suicide

    • Suicide-Safety Guide

    • Step 1 – Recognising suicide and Asking about suicide

    • Step 2 – Understanding options

  • Part 4

    • Step 3 – Safeguarding suicide

    • Suicide-safety and self-care

    • The risk assessment approach

    • Future learning

To view the next open public courses, click here.

Both courses can be delivered online or face-to-face; please get in touch with me for further details.

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